Sound Healing Happening
Cold Castle, New York, NY, performance + healing ritual, 2008
----- Original message -----
Received: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 16:21:34 -0400
From: "daphane park" <>
Subject: sound healing happening
Hello Friends,
This Friday, Oct. 24 at 8 pm I am hosting a Sound Healing Happening
at 146 11th Ave. between 21st and 22nd street on the third floor.
We will gather before 8 to prepare for the whistling. The Vessels are replicas of Pre-Columbian psycho-acoustic whistles made of clay. Daniel Statnekov bought an original vessel at an auction in Pennsylvania, blew into it and had a mind altering experience which transformed his life. He spent the next 15 years researching the vessels, and then worked with a craftsman to replicate them. When sound enters the ear the air wave triggers a nerve impulse, which converts the air wave into a specific sound. What happens when more than one vessel is played is that the pitches are so closely tuned that as the sounds enter the ear the waves are jostled, so that a different set of nerves is activated. This means that the sound that is heard within is different than the sounds actually played, which is what is believed to trigger an experience of higher consciousness.
The vessels are very shrill and high pitched, and many people don't like the sound - too piercing. It can be beneficial to blow them for an extended time, one can feel the breath changing, and get into a space of v e r y elongated breathing, and sometimes the sound dissolves and all one can hear is a buzzing noise, like bees, (which could be the gateway to higher consciousness.) Since most of the experience comes from the actual blowing of the vessels I need to have an idea of who will be there. There is a limited number of vessels and space so please RSVP.
*this sound is not something that everyone will like!
After the whistling we will FEAST and be merry.
*contributions to the feast of either food or spirits are welcome.
THANKS JOY RODINO for providing the vessels.